This month is abuzz with mobile. Both the Triangle AMA and TIMA have speakers on mobile marketing and ads. Mobile Internet traffic is increasing with the proliferation of smartphones and Wi-Fi devices. This post is actually being drafted on an iPhone so I can gauge what a mobile blog post is all about.

For one it’s really intense in terms of keying this in using a keyboard that only uses my thumbs and no mouse. This has made me focus accurately and correctly writing the first draft. Reminds me of the typing class I took in high school. The final result is going to be produced in less than 45 minutes. No links, photos or anything else. Just good old fashioned words strung together to try and keep the reader engaged, informed and educated.

True I could write this on my laptop using Word and its tools like spellchecker. But what is mobile blogging if I don’t actually use the WordPress iPhone plugin to actually draft a post? Editing is a bit tricky but I am curious how viable a Smartphone is as a field reporting unit.

No doubt an iPad would be better suited for the task. And in time I do foresee content being drafted on tablet devices in increasing numbers. I’ve already envisioned my grade school children will be using this type of device in middle school within the next three to five years.

But going full on mobile is rapidly happening all around us. Home phone accounts are giving way to a family of four wireless plan. Our phones have address, contact information, calendar and notes stored in them for easy access. Geo location features and apps allow us to find each other and share locations. Smartphones have become the mobile convergence devices that deliver true computer telephony integration.

But I gave to say that mobile blogging on such a device is difficult. It’s taken me longer to write this post. And many times my large thumbs hit the Shift or Return key by accident! It has taken me longer to write this post and I have had to revisit the copy more than usual but that’s not a bad thing!

What’s your experience blogging on a mobile device? What challenges have you experienced? Or does it not compute for you?

Brian McDonald

Brian McDonald started Square Jaw Media to document strategies and techniques he had used over his experience working in marketing and communications since 1990. During this time Brian wrote about many of the exciting Raleigh social media events where great knowledge was being shared and tries to share some of the tips and tricks. . Read Brian's full bio.