I’ve started this blog about nine months ago but have not followed one of the main guidelines that’s in every article, post and tweet about blogging, consistent and frequent posting. I’ve had periods of time where great ideas have hit me but have not been disciplined enough to explore the idea more than that great sense when it comes together in your head. Basically I’m a procrastinator and time eats up the small window for the relevance of my idea or issue. Or I forget exactly what was the spin on that topic…it happens.
So how do you develop a habit of really creating interesting reading on your blog that draws people in? I determined that the best way to kick start my publishing frequency was to challenge myself to writing and posting a blog post for 30 straight days. I have a few objectives lined up during this time period as well. I am going to redesign and possibly combine/delete my other blog into a single one. My wife is creating a new blog to showcase her graphic design portfolio and I am assisting her in getting it launched. I hope to also discover a few new challenges along the way.
Now what’s interesting is that in the past several months I have linked and cross-referenced this blog and other other Web 2.0 sites using RSS and aggregation technology. I’m interested in how this will increase visibility and readership during the next 30 days. At the same time I have a deep feeling in my gut that I’m announcing this during a school assembly and everyone I know is watching.
So if you are willing to read what I’m willing to write for the next 30 days. Leave a comment and let me know what you’re thinking!