What is Web 3.0 and what will it mean for marketing? I was a bit skeptical going in thinking to myself, hey we just really are on the second phase of Web 2.0 and now we’re already going to 3.0? What happened to 2.5, did I miss a release?
Web 3.0 is the continual evolution of connectivity and delivering content. Only now content is not limited to text, photos and short video clips. The content is full HD video, live, two-way video conferencing and telepresence. I know how to create a Flash video and embed it in a web page but how to do communicate with a 42″ device to my audience or better yet a fleet of them strategically positioned throughout a campus?
I have to admit I was intrigued by the topic. I wrote a post for the Triangle AMA blog last month on Digital Media by Brian Carnell, Business Manager World Wide Channels, Cisco Systems. That presentation scratched the surface of two topics that were covered in greater detail at this meeting. First was the physical product itself, Cisco’s 42 inch HD monitor along with the small device the controls it are sleek. Second, the software that controls a single device or an entire network is available from Cisco or can be acquired via open source and freeware programmers. Cisco has shared its APIs and other technology to allow users to connect and communicate. I like that!
From a marketing standpoint, we are at the pre-Web 3.0 stage now. There is still considerable bandwidth limitations on wide area networks and wireless carriers. But what is Web 3.0? C.O. Little, president of GulfStream Communications defined Web 3.0 as, “any media, on any device, anywhere.” Little demonstrated the Cisco Digital Media System (DMS) that allows organizations to manage and control digital media across a network of desktop video applications, digital signage, or Enterprise TV. What marketers face will be the challenge of incorporating digital signage and media into their communications depending on their customers. Specific markets like transportation, hospitality and retail have already deployed digital media, such as airports and train stations using digital signage for flight and train information and times.
Thanks to GuflStream Communications and Cisco for hosting the event. I snapped a few photos of the Cisco Customer Briefing Center which was very impressive.