Today is Day 25 of my 30 day blogging challenge and I wanted to share some more tips and other wisdom. I have to admit today was a tough motivational day. I still have some topics on my list that I started with at the beginning of the 30 days. But none of them really jumped off the page and inspired me enough to write about the topic.

Staying motivated is a challenge in any process, especially after the “newness” wears off. The first 12 days my energy level really jumped and my brain was buzzing. I was able to have some really clear thoughts on some tough problems because my brain was moving. But after 20 plus days the euphoria can wear off and you are relying on discipline and will to maintain your journey towards the final goal. Of course if I was being paid to write that’s a whole another story. Some of the best motivation has been reading other blogs and meeting a few bloggers both online and in person.

Content is king and finding an interesting topic for you and your readers is tough. I have written posts on topics that I did not have on my initial list which is great as it gave me fresh content such as attending a trade show and speaking at Ignite Raleigh. I think the more active you are the better, and this has been a more active time for me over the past two weeks.

Maintaining a consistent subject matter can be difficult. When I started this blog I wanted to document my work experiences and create an online portfolio. Now I realize that I have been writing about past experiences, current events and topics and where marketing is going. Keeping a marketing and communication focus is important but not required. Tagging also helps keep your blog concise, if you are creating new tags frequently then look at your tags to see if they are relevant to your subject matter.

Blogging is different than writing in many ways. The length of typical blog posts tends to be shorter than newspaper or magazine articles. From a writing perspective I am more used to a longer format to explain the details and influencing factors to the story. Blogging to me seems to be shorter creative burst of ideas without delving too deep into the analysis. Blogs allow us to get a quick gist of the topic and tend to link or relate to another source even within the blog itself.

Well five days left and then I have met my goal. I like that I will be ending on a Friday so I can relax next weekend!

Brian McDonald

Brian McDonald started Square Jaw Media to document strategies and techniques he had used over his experience working in marketing and communications since 1990. During this time Brian wrote about many of the exciting Raleigh social media events where great knowledge was being shared and tries to share some of the tips and tricks. . Read Brian's full bio.